Friday, August 8, 2008


Depression is one of the major psychological problems of 21st century. It is natural to think about how to come out of depression. It is a pain & suffering.

But the fact is we can not do anything with depression directly, because it is a symptom only. To deal with it, we have to diagnose the cause & remove it. Here are some questionnaires to help you diagnose the reason by your self:

1. Ask yourself: “Am I blaming myself, others or some circumstances for my depression?”. If yes then, you will never be able to come out of the vicious circle of depression because we are responsible for our lives. We have been sowing wrong seeds of thoughts & as a result we are harvesting negativity in life.

2. Ask yourself: “Am I justifying for my negative emotions?”. If yes then we are giving every good reason to be depressed. Negative emotions are within us not caused by outer circumstances. Negativity only manifests itself during some difficult situation.

3. Ask Yourself: “Am I taking things personally?”. If yes then you are in an illusion. People act due to there own reasons, not to hurt us. And also incidents in life are happening due to some existential reason, not to hurt or punish us. If we think like this, we are bound to feel negativity.

4. Ask yourself: “Am I trying to get sympathy, attention or love from others out of my depression?”. If yes then we have some investment in our depression & will never like to come out of it. We can go on talking “how to come out of depression”, but deep down we want to stick to it, as it gives us pleasure of attention & sympathy of others.

5. Ask yourself: “DO I react to situation or respond?”. For example we become angry as someone has annoyed us, this is reaction which will lead to negative relationships & bring negativity in life. But in place of getting angry, we can respond in a positive manner & we can avoid the negative relationship. This is true with every impulse we get from outside. We have to be responsive not reactive to avoid negativity.

6. Ask yourself: “Do I have a purpose or mission in life?”. If no, then we are living a meaningless life. We are drifting with the winds & any cyclone of difficulty will destroy us. We have to take control of our lives & give direction to it.

7. Ask yourself: “Am I in search of my true self i.e. (who am I?)”. If no then you will face identity crisis in difficult times. And as a result feel lost & depressed.

8. Ask yourself: “Do I live my life with awareness”. If no then we are moved by thought impulses coming from outside & from our biological instinct. For example we have a sexual urge & we flow with it like animals, while we could use the energy of sex for some higher cause. Awareness will show us the futility of our biological instinct. We can work for a higher cause then & live on a higher plane of consciousness. Self control is possible through awareness only. There is a step by step procedure to build awareness.

9. Ask yourself: “Do I make a daily program of my activity?”. If not than we will be frustrated at the end of the day.

10. Ask yourself: “Do I meditate every day?”. If no, then we can not reprogram ourselves. We will be governed by our conditionings. And we will not be able to change our habit patterns, which are causing the failure & depression. Meditation is the only way to clean your mind & reprogram it.

11. Ask yourself: “Do I know how to convert negative energy of depression into positive energy?”. If no then we should indulge into some creative work, while we are in grip of depression.

12. Ask yourself: “Do I know to create harmony with existence?”. There are techniques to bring harmony in life.

13. Ask yourself: “Do I read & listen to positive books, motivational tapes & videos?”. If not then we will be affected by the negative thoughts & will remain negative.

14. Ask yourself: “Do I mix with positive go-going people?”. If no then we will be affected by the company of negative people. It will make us negative too.

15. Ask yourself: “Do I read news paper or watch television?”. If yes then news papers are full of negative incidents which will impact our life adversely.

These are 15 questions & tips which will bring you out of our depression. We can lead a life of happiness, joy & bliss.

For More Details Visit:

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