Friday, August 8, 2008


Do you want to conquer depression? All negative emotions are like darkness. We can not fight with the darkness. We can bring light & darkness is not found. It is not the depression, we have to conquer, but we have to conquer ourselves.

It is a feeling of defeat from upcoming challenges of life. We are not able to face the adverse situation & it creates depression. We start feeling very low, loose self confidence & suffer pain with frustration.

There are few tips to bring light into our life & conquer ourselves:

1. First of all we have to take total responsibility of our condition. We have not to blame anybody for depression. By blaming we give fuel to our depression. And by taking responsibility, we are ready to change our behavior pattern. The whole perspective changes with responsibility, as we are on the way to conquer ourselves.

2. Whenever we feel that we are in grip of depression, use our awareness to bring it from our on going traffic of thoughts to our physical body. Start feeling our body. Be aware of our actions of body, moving our hand, walking, lying on our bed, or driving. Bring awareness to visualize body & our thought will slow down immediately.

3. Practice awareness of body while taking bath. Take bath in a slow motion & observe & feel the pouring of water on head, hands rubbing soap on body, massaging your body. Make it an awareness training opportunity. It will relax your stress & thought pattern.

4. Same awareness can be practiced while taking meals. Take it slowly & enjoy everything, the taste of food, the smell, and the body movements.

5. Use auto suggestion technique. Tell yourself "I like myself", "I love myself", "I am responsible for my life" repeatedly. It will boost self esteem.

6. After taking bath in the morning, chat "OM" as mantra for 15 minutes to 60 minutes. It is to be done like this: oooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It will relax mind & bring harmony with existence.

7. Find out mission in life and work upon it. It may be to earn a lot of money, may be to live a life of integrity, or recognition, whatever it is.

8. Mix with positive & successful people. Our company affects our life very much.

9. Read positive & motivational books. Listen to motivational cassettes and videos.

10. Whenever depression attacks, indulge into creative work like painting, writing, dancing, arts, games etc….This way the negative energy is utilized into creative work.

We can conquer ourselves & as a result depression is not found. We can live a life of happiness, bliss & joy.

For More Details Visit:

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